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Friday, July 30, 2010

Making the choices you believe in

Blog XIX of Thirty Days – Thirty Blogs series

This post is about two different ways in which choices manifest themselves. Both manifestations are rooted in the fact that humans by nature are social and tend to seek acceptance of society.

Often in my mentoring sessions (Mentorpolis, NSIT, ISMA, GSC), I come across students who know what they want to do & have a stellar profile to help them in that but yet when it comes to final execution moment they decide to take a backup ”just in case”. Now, backup is a good thing in general, but if I start working out of my USB drive instead of HD, then it is no longer my backup but working copy. There is a thin line between taking backups and losing focus. When a HW engineer thinks about learning a bit of software so that he can apply for SW positions, that in my view crosses this thin line. When a  GRE aspirant talks about preparing for CAT, that also in my view crosses this line. Now what was that proverb about trying to stand on two boats..or was it the other proverb about a pigeon in hand being worth two in bush..

Another trend is to go along with what everybody else does or what is fashionable. I am also guilty of this at times. People want to do MBA or engineering, purchase smartphones, cars, SLRs, switch jobs, because that is what everybody else is doing. It is cool and happening. Often in doing this, they do not care about what they themselves want or if the cool thing fits their case or not. That explains why people run after 3G phones in places without a 3G coverage or look at DSLRs when what they want really is a P&S.

This post is neither a lament nor a criticism. It is just an observation. C&C (comments and criticism) are most welcome.

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